Required Reading
Students accepted to the ISI (Iron Sharpens iron) short courses are required to be fully conversant with;
- ‘Lean Production Simplified’, Dennis
- ‘The Toyota Production System’, Ohno
- ‘The Toyota Way,’ Liker
- ‘The Goal,’ Goldratt
Students accepted to the MovaGroup ‘Sensei’ course are required to be fully conversant with;
- ‘The Machine that Changed the World,’ Womack, Roos And Jones
- ‘Liberation Management,’ Peters
- ‘We Don’t Build Cars’ Botha
- ‘How to Master the Art of Sales’ Hopkins
Recommended Reading
- ‘Presentation Zen,’ Reynolds
- ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Management,’ Pirsig
- ‘Five Reasons why Change Initiatives fail,’ HBR article – Kotter